Wednesday, August 17, 2011


So this is my second time around with my paper mache project. I made a small gift box.  My first attempt wasn't all bad, but I was aiming for a smoother finish.
This is sooooo easy, and I don't know why I ever stopped doing it.  You can make almost anything

For example:  pencil holders, serviette holders, christmas decorations, gift boxes..  etc.  You can jazz up your dinner table with candle holders, or placemats. You can use it in a restaurant, as a bread holder, or for knives and forks.
It's not washable ofcourse, but if you serve something dry, like bread, you can wipe it clean with a dry cloth.


1.)  1 part flower  and 1.5 parts water  (like a paste)
2.)  pieces of newspaper, or any paper you like.
3.)  Mold.  (bowl or box or balloon)
4.)  Make sure to cover your mold with vaseline or butter, before you start putting the paper on, so that you can remove it easily when it's dry.
5.)  Dip your paper into the mixture, and remove the exess, and start layering around your mold.
6.)  Do 2 layers, and then let it dry for a few hours. Then after that, you can finish it up with another few layers.
7.) After it's dried you can paint it , and then spray it with clear lacker or decoupage it.

Voila..... easy as 123

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