Monday, February 28, 2011

Create and Appreciate: Hartebeespoort dam

Create and Appreciate: Hartebeespoort dam: "This weekend we are taking a trip to hartebeespoort dam (North west province). A friend of mine is having her engagement party at a coo..."

Hartebeespoort dam

This weekend we are taking a trip to hartebeespoort dam (North west province). A friend of mine is having her engagement party at a cool restaurant, and the day after, we are going to explore the craft markets and art galleries.  I cant wait anymore, and I look forward to taking a lot of pictures, and posting them here.

We drive through the town a lot, and we never seem to find the time to stop, but now I have my chance..... watch out harties, here I come!!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Create and Appreciate: every great dream begins with a dreamer, always re...

Create and Appreciate: every great dream begins with a dreamer, always re...: "every great dream begins with a dreamer, always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the st..."
every great dream begins with a dreamer, always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.

                                        - harriet tubman

Create and Appreciate: Spelling and patterns

Create and Appreciate: Spelling and patterns: "I am new to the blogging world, and my writing and spelling skills are definitely not what they were when in high school. ..."

Create and Appreciate: Pitter Pattern

Create and Appreciate: Pitter Pattern

Pitter Pattern

Spelling and patterns

I am new to the blogging world,  and my writing and spelling skills are definitely not what they were when  in high school.  I feel that if you want your own blog, or whatever requires putting a paragraph together, you must at least try to spell correctly when doing it.  That's just my opinion of course, and when something is spelled right it looks professional.

DO NOT EVER spell wrong on you CV, because that might just cost you your job (I speak from experience)  I skipped a letter at the end of a word (typing mistake) and the guy didn't take it lightly at all.  He gave me the good advice of making sure my CV is 100% correct.  I mean, that's the first impression they get of you,  and you want to make it good, don't you?

Enough of my spelling advice.  I made something out of old clothing patterns, and I am going to load it tomorrow.  It was so simple to do, AND I LOVE IT!  I put it on my wall already,  not all people will find it as fascinating as me, but feel free to give me your honest opinion.


Friday, February 18, 2011

Toy bag

If you read my previous posting, you will see what this bag is all about

Baby bag.

I'm at the age now where everybody is either ready to have a baby, expecting one, or already has one.  I choose.............  none of the above, thank you!  But I do enjoy playing with them when I visit my friends.  The coolest part is.......  giving them back when I go home.

I love making presents for their birthdays though.  My friends kid, Amy, is having her first birthday party this Saturday, and to buy a toy is not an option for me, because they already have to many, and they will be getting even more at the party.  So I though, why not make a bag mom can use to put her toys in, when Amy goes and visits her grandma, or whoever.

I used pieces of old cut-off material, because lets face it,  with a baby nothing stays clean. The bag is very plain, and so easy to make, you can personalise it with a name if you want to.


Ding ding... extra points.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Cards for any occasion!!

I found these awesome cards (got them in a old magazine).  They can be used for any occasion, hope you like them as much as I do =)

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Choosing different shapes and sizes of beads and buttons, makes it look interesting, and draws the eye immediately.
You can use darker tile grout, that will give your frame a more compressed look, and it will bring out the lighter coloured beads.  Paying a framing shop to mat and frame a photo is very expensive, framing photo's at home is not that difficult and can save you money. 

This frame consists out of beads, buttons, pieces of broken mirror and interior crackfiller.  You can use an old toothbrush afterwards to remove the extra filler.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Project 1

Making a funky photo frame.   

I will upload photo's tomorrow (before and after), as I am still busy with the finishing touches.
Basically my frame will consist of wooden beads, buttons, and small pieces of a broken mirror (that was already broken, ofcourse), don't want to take any chances ;-)

Monday, February 14, 2011

The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes along their way